At ZMQ, we assist our clients in implementing the technology solutions on the ground and do trainings. We also and create innovative partnerships with various stakeholders to create a sustainable model. We assist in replicating the technology model for other geographies and communities of different socio-economic and cultural context. We also help in scaling it up to large population by developing scale-up strategies based on a sustainable business model.
ZMQ implements projects directly on the ground in close association with the client and regular assistance in technological solutions is provided to help the smooth implementation of the technology. ZMQ does a complete hand-holding of the technology implementation of the program on the ground till the program is fully functional and self-sustainable. Once the pilot is set up successfully, ZMQ also supports in scaling up of the program. Scaling up is a guided process of taking successful projects or innovations expanding, adapting and sustaining them in different ways over time for greater development impact. It is an intentional effort to increase the impact of successfully tested innovations so as to benefit more people and to foster policy and program development on a lasting basis.
Scaling up is not a linear process, it extends over many years and navigates much uncharted territory. Therefore, strategic planning of scaling up requires consistent attention in creating an appropriate balance among the elements of the scaling-up system to be implemented on a larger scale and achieve broader impact. As size of the program is an important reflection in scaling up so to increase the effectiveness, programs need to be expanded to a regional scale in the initial phase.
At ZMQ, we assist our clients in scaling up the technological solutions in terms of the quality of services and reach to the community. We facilitate them in replicating the model with the community of different socio-economic and cultural context. Our approach to scale is centered on the adoption into local systems, which requires local capacity building to implement, manage and assure quality at scale over the long run. We focus on translating the successful elements of a pilot project into local systems and concentrate on local priorities and capacity to adopt and maintain the new model. We also engage early in the process with a wide spectrum of stakeholders, from the public and private sectors, to increase the chances of success and longevity.