ZMQ specializes in developing Behaviour Change Solutions. A research based consultative process of addressing knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) through identifying, analyzing, segmenting audiences and participants in programs by providing them with relevant information and motivation through well defined strategies, using an audience appropriate mix of interpersonal, group and mass-media channels, including participatory methods. Behavior change strategies tend to focus on the individual as a locus of change.
Interaction process with the community cannot be under estimated as communication process can lead to development of tailored messages and approaches using variety of communication channels to develop and sustain positive behavior and healthy lifestyles. BCC strategy is woven into the overall solution, based on sound formative assessment which can influence community discussion, social norms, individuals and community behavior.
As behavior is a habit of action, we endeavors to develop the interactive and informative games using a beneficiary suitable blend of participatory methods. For developing technology based infotainment games, we employs a systematic process beginning with formative research and behavior analysis, followed by communication planning, implementation followed by monitoring and evaluation.
The explicit emphasis of our behavior change tools, solutions and games are an outcome helped to highlight the need for a thorough understanding of the full range of determinants, both internal and external factors, to understand why people do what they do and how to facilitate healthy options, decisions and support.