ZMQ specializes in conducting need assessment of any program. We do baseline surveys to understand the challenge on the ground and identify the requirements of the project. This is done through systematic effort of gathering information from various sources like through interpersonal discussions and conducting focus group discussions. Post need assessment, a social mapping is done to understand the community layout, infrastructure, demography, ethno-linguistic groups, health pattern and available resources. This research at the baseline helps in designing an optimal solution which fits best for the solution.
As a research and development organization, ZMQ specializes in Need Assessment and Baseline research for any ground program. ZMQ uses research and systemic procedures, and set priorities to make decisions about program and allocation of resources based on identified needs. Need assessment provides a practical and user-friendly technique to enable participants in the mapping process to identify the risks within the framework.
As a part of planning process, importance of assessing needs while developing the programs are well recognized. Identification of existing gaps after baseline survey to understand the challenges placed by the client requires planned actions for gathering information from various sources through interpersonal discussions and triangulation. Using both qualitative and quantitative tools and methodologies; ZMQ prioritizes technology based solutions to fill in the existing gaps and strategically map out on how the issues can be address. At ZMQ, we understand that different group will have different needs; for this key stakeholder are identified and included in the planning process so that their perspective can be represented besides using secondary sources of data like Census or recent researches.
ZMQ uses social mapping techniques where with the health of qualitative tools help in identifying the community layout, infrastructure, demography, ethno-linguistic groups, health pattern and wealth. Participatory rural appraisal approach aims to incorporate the knowledge and opinions of rural people in the planning and management of development projects and programs.
It is semi-structured and carried out by an interdisciplinary team over a short time. Social mapping is a space related PRA technique which facilitates in identification of different social groups using locally defined criteria and assessing the distribution of assets across social groups. Tangible representation of the socio-economic structure and highly valued resources of the community helps our team to find out the best technology based solution as per the needs of the beneficiary group. Discerning places and spaces from where our solution has maximum potential to reach out to the large number.
As a development consultancy our aim is to publicize the project goals and procedures to gather the support improving transparency and participation in developing the appropriate solutions for the intended group which is segmented on the basis of heterogeneity. ZMQ identified social mapping as the most appropriate participatory tools.