Ajeevika Connect Platform is a livelihood channel to train SHGs in partnership with Rural Livelihood Mission Haryana. The program engaged 400 SHGs through a network of 20-30 Cluster Coordinators The project comes as an inspiration from ZMQ’s Universal mobile SHG/MFI model which provisioned lifeline services to rural women along with the financial services. Under this Ajeevika Connect, the the Universal SHG platform to deliver Livelihood & Skills Training, Provisioning Government Schemes like MGNREGA, IAY etc. and also establishing m-Business Platform for Rural and under-privileged entrepreneurs/ communities in Rural Haryana in 2 sites – Tauru Block in District Mewat and Matanhail Block in District Jhajjar.
The program works with the poorest of the poor women from SHG and it members by provisioning them mobile based management of the Core SHG services. Apart from this, the platform provides Embedded Skills Development channel for these women. The skills development program has 2 modes of delivery – Mobile Skills Training and Face-to-Face Practical Classroom.
Training modules are interactive and designed with rich multi-media, quality graphics and audio-visual support through mobile to cater semi-literate women as well. The platform is flexible for other content providers to deliver their training modules. At the current moment we have reached to 30 cluster coordinators and over 3,500 women being trained for skills and healthcare management using the additional MIRA toolkit. By end of the year we plan to reach over 20,000 women.
Client: ZMQ Development, Rural Livelihood Mission Haryana.