Youth Life Digital Program

Youth Life Digital Program


YouthLIFE is an ICT based LiFe skills, Information and new technologies, and Education program. The overall objective of the project is to improve adolescent girls’ and boys’ knowledge and decision making around critical life choices that advances their sexual and reproductive health rights via education, information sharing, access to services and new technologies. It has 3 main themes mainly:

  1. Growing Up: Participants will learn about understanding the changes during adolescence, transition to adulthood, puberty, nutrition, and others related myths, misconceptions and facts, etc
  2. Relationships – participants will examine ways of understanding feelings, relationships (negotiating relationships with self and with others), and communicating with parents. Relationships with friends and peers will also be explored among adolescent boys and girls, and new feelings of attraction that impact SRH rights;
  3. Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights – participants will learn about and discuss SRH rights, teen pregnancy, marriage, sexual decision making, gender, family planning, reproductive infections and sexually transmitted infections (RTI/STI), and HIV/AIDS.

The program has been implemented in Delhi and Jharkhand in over 100 schools both in English and Hindi. The overall claaes covered were from Class VI to Class VIII.